Did You Know!
If you type " 466453.com " in address
bar you'll be taken to Google.
because that's how we write Google
in number!!!
Its very interesting, don't you think?
The answer !
Take a look at your telephone
keypad, and match up the numbers
to the letters.
4 GHI 6 MNO 6 MNO 4 GHI 5 JKL 3 DEF !
If you type " 466453.com " in address
bar you'll be taken to Google.
because that's how we write Google
in number!!!
Its very interesting, don't you think?
The answer !
Take a look at your telephone
keypad, and match up the numbers
to the letters.
4 GHI 6 MNO 6 MNO 4 GHI 5 JKL 3 DEF !
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